Kittens for sale

To have this cat at home is a sign of prestige and well-being. Ural Rex is a very rare breed. The population is relatively small, only about 200 cats to date.

Their wavy coat is unusual to touch, thick and resilient, but soft and silky at the same time. No one was left indifferent after touching it.

They have amazing agreeable character, as affectionate as they are undemanding, and they can feel their owner's state of mind.

And now you have the chance to bring this splendour home!


The nursery works with experienced carriers for the delivery of kittens to any point of the world!!!

Code of ethics for breeders General conditions for husbandry and breeding cats

General conditions
Due to the different legislative situation in the member-countries we can only give general conditions, which are supervised by the member- organizations.

Country specific regulations
Cat owners and cat breeders, who are associated to the WCF via their cat club, have to follow the laws and rules for the treatment of vertebrates, which 
are valid in their country.

Maintenance, veterinary
That includes adequate feeding, maintenance and health-care of the cats. Cats showing any signs of illness have to be immediately presented to a veterinary.
That has to be considered as a minimum requirement.

Rules for breeding and maintenance
Each member-organization has to specify detailed rules for breeding and husbandry for its members, which are in conformation with country’s particular circumstances.

In general the following has to be defined in these rules: Female cats are allowed to give birth twice a year maximum. (min. 3 months between the litters).
Ideally a queen should give birth to kittens only once a year.

Placement of kittens
Young kittens are not allowed to be separated from their mother and litter mates before the 12th week. When placed young kittens must be weaned, 
de-wormed and equipped with the necessary vaccinations. It is strongly recommended to identify the kittens by micro-chip.

Registration, contract
Each kitten born at a WCF member has to be registered and it is not allowed to be placed without pedigree. The kitten’s placement has to be documented 
by the contract. With this contract the breeder has to inform the new owner of the cat about its needs. The breeder shall assist the new owner with
his help.


Яндекс цитирования Яндекс.Метрика О,многострадальная Мати Божия,Превысшая всех дщерей земли,по чистоте Своей и по множеству страданий,Тобою на земли перенесенных,прими многоболезненныя воздыхания наша и сохрани нас под кровом Твоея милости.Иного бо прибежища и теплаго предстательства разве Тебе не веемы,но,яко дерзновение имущая ко Иже из Тебе Рожденному,помози и спаси ны молитвами Своими, Да непреткновенно достигнем Царствия Небеснаго, идеже со всеми святыми будем воспевать в Троице Единому Богу ныне и присно,и во веки веков.Аминь.

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